Top 10 Swiss Madison Toilets 2022 – Review & Buying Guide

Are you renovating your bathroom and searching for a new toilet? Swiss Madison makes some of the finest toilets on the market, but with the sheer number of models available, how do you nail down your choices?

Luckily for you, we’ve listed five of the best models offered by Swiss Madison to help you pin down your options. Read on for our complete low down on the best Swiss Madison models your money can buy.

What Is The Best Swiss Madison Toilet to Buy?


Swiss Madison SM-1T256 Carré - Best in Water Efficiency (table)


1. Swiss Madison SM-1T256 Carré

Best in Water Efficiency

  • Incredibly Water Efficient
  • Dual-Flush System
  • Sleek silhouette
  • Quiet Close Toilet Seat
  • Lustrous White Contemporary System

Swiss Madison SM-1T254 St. Tropez  - Best choice by our customers (table)


2. Swiss Madison SM-1T254 St. Tropez

Best Choice by Our Customers

  • Amazingly quiet flush
  • Soft-close Seat
  • Easy Installation
  • Sleek, eye-catching design
  • Dual flush technology

Swiss Madison SM-1T803 Chateau - Best Toilet for comfort (table)

3. Swiss Madison SM-1T803 Chateau

Best Toilet for Comfort

  • Gravity-flush for high efficiency
  • Soft-close lid – no loud slamming
  • Comfort seating height
  • Extended bowl for easy clean
  • Water Efficient Dual Flush

Swiss Madison SM-1T113 Voltaire  - Best in terms of Sleek and Stylish Design (table)

4. Swiss Madison SM-1T113 Voltaire

Best in Terms of Sleek and Stylish Design

  • Eye-catching square base design
  • Easy clean system
  • Perfect for contemporary bathrooms
  • Comfort height for ease of use
  • Great choice at the price

Swiss Madison SM-1T108 Monaco - Best for a low budget (table)

5. Swiss Madison SM-1T108 Monaco

Best for a Low Budget

  • Easy to clean trapways
  • Comfortable height
  • Dual-flushing system
  • Easy cleaning
  • Lustrous and stylish design


1. Swiss Madison SM-1T256 Carré – Best in Water Efficiency (Editor’s Choice)

The SM-1T256 Carré One Piece Toilet is our top pick for two reasons. Firstly, it’s incredibly water efficient. That is because it comes with a dual flush and provides exceptionally high performing gravity-powered flush, with a limit of 1.28 gallons per flush.

Unique Design

As with all Swiss Madison models, this is a one-piece design. The glossy white finish makes cleaning a breeze, a simple wipe down with a wet cloth is all it takes to leave this model looking sparkling new.

The aesthetics of this model really appeal to us. The side on silhouette is almost straight out of a sci-fi movie, making it an excellent fit for a contemporary bathroom.

Other Features

The toilet also comes with a soft-close mechanism. Honestly, we are not sure why any toilet these days comes without, but a selling point nonetheless!

A fantastic choice at a great price point, this is our top pick.
  • One piece for easy cleaning
  • Powerful flush
  • Superior when it comes to water efficiency
  • Square design is not for everyone


2. Swiss Madison SM-1T254 St. Tropez – Best Choice by Our Customers (People’s Choice)

A runner up when it comes to our top Swiss Madison toilets, it’s easy to see why our customers choose the SM-1T254 St. Tropez One Piece Toilet as their favourite.

Beautiful and Elegant Design

This model really has another eye-catching design which is now synonymous with Swiss Madison models. Their elegant design and aesthetics are tough to beat when it comes to choosing a new model for a contemporary bathroom.

Comfortable yet practical

This particular model has an extended bowl and comfortable seat height, making it much more convenient for daily use. With dual-flush technology, it’s easy to keep your water intake under control with the SM-1T254.

The flush has the added benefit of being incredibly quiet and when combined with a soft close toilet seat, makes it an ideal option for an ensuite bathroom.

Swiss Madison SM-1T254 St. Tropez Toilet Review 2020


The one-piece design makes cleaning simple, and the seat easily detaches with a quick-release mechanism allowing simple cleaning.

If you’re thinking of installing your new toilet yourself, the SM-1T254 is an excellent choice. It comes with simple instructions and all tools necessary for easy installation, including pre-drilled holes.
  • Tornado flushing mechanism for easy waste disposal
  • Easy Installation
  • Soft-close lid
  • A little on the pricey side!


3. Swiss Madison SM-1T803 Chateau – Best Toilet for Comfort

Another stunning choice by Swiss Madison, the SM-1T803 Chateau One Piece Toilet is a combination of elegance and practicality. It manages to achieve it’s stunningly silky aesthetics without making any compromise when it comes to performance.


The SM-1T803 has all the features of a high performing toilet you have come to expect, including easy to clean trap ways, dual-flush technology and comfortable seating height.

The dual flushing system on this model gives you a choice between two levels of flush, 0.8 and 1.28 gallons, really helping you to cut down on your water consumption. When compared with other brands, this is really a standout selling point.


With the assistance of gravity, the Chateau model incorporates an incredibly powerful flush which manages to clear away the most stubborn deposits without much trouble. The addition of the coated trap ways is an excellent addition which further reduces the risk of blockages.

If you or your family have issues with mobility, the SM-1T803 is a decent option. The extended bowl and the comfort seat height make it much easier to stand up and sit down.
  • Stylish Design
  • Low Water Consumption
  • Ease of cleaning
  • Some customers have found this model a little challenging to install


4. Swiss Madison SM-1T113 Voltaire – Best in Terms of Sleek and Stylish Design

The Voltaire from Swiss Madison is another eye-catching piece in their offering. Once again, Swiss Madison priorities easy of cleaning and practicality and the Voltaire is no different.

AS with most of the models in our review, the SM-1T113 Voltaire is incredibly efficient when it comes to water consumption. Featuring a dual flush mechanism allowing you complete control over water usage.

Its one-piece design makes cleaning simple and can be done in just a few minutes per day, perfect for the busy individual. Its quick release system allows you to quickly remove the seat for a deeper clean.

Swiss Madison provides a 1-year warranty with all of their products, giving you peace of mind when it comes to purchasing their products.

The Voltaire comes with a square base which is a little unusual, but perfect for a modern bathroom, and the comfortable height means manoeuvrability on and off the toilet is simple.

  • Square base – contemporary feel
  • Water Efficient
  • Ease of Cleaning
  • Some bathroom installation experts claim the measurements of this model are a little unusual for American Standards


5. Swiss Madison SM-1T108 Monaco – Best for a Low Budget

Last but not least in our top Swiss Madison toilets we have the SM-1T108 Monaco One Piece Toilet.

Sacrificing nothing in terms of comfort, the bowl at 15.5 inches makes use comfortable – great if anyone in your home suffers from mobility issues or if this is for an elderly relative.

Once again featuring a dual-flush mechanism, the Monaco allows you to have complete control over your water consumption and complies with all relevant consumption standards.

We feel that this is a unique and elegant choice for anyone wishing to update their bathroom and a worth inclusion on our list of top buys.

  • Comfort seating
  • Dual-flush technology
  • Low price point
  • Some customers have reported installation is a little tricky – you may need to enlist the help of a professional


Things To Consider Before Purchasing – A Buyers Guide

When you’re on the hunt for a new toilet, it’s hard to know where to start. How should you assign priority, and what do you really need versus what would be good to have?

To help you with your decision, we’ve pulled together our top tips in the form of a buyers guide to help take some of the guesswork out of it!

Who are Swiss Madison?

Swiss Madison’s ethos is that their products are “well made forever” and we tend to agree. Purchasing a Swiss Madison toilet is a worthwhile investment that will last a lifetime.

Based in Dayton, New-Jersey, Swiss Madison specialise in one piece and wall hung toilets, but complement their range with other bathroom appliances including sinks, bathtubs and vanity cabinets.

One Piece Vs Two-Piece System

Things To Consider Before Purchasing – One Piece Vs Two-piece SystemUnderstanding the difference between a one and two-piece system may sound fairly obvious, as each toilet gets its name from how many parts it comes in.

But there are not so obvious benefits and downsides to each model.

Given that all of our Swiss Madison toilet systems in our review are one-piece options, we thought it would be useful to give a quick summary of each option, so you can make the best choice for your bathroom.

Two-Piece Toilet

Things To Consider Before Purchasing – Two-piece ToiletThe two-piece system is by far the most popular and readily available choice when it comes to purchasing a new toilet.

Chances are unless you have recently renovated your bathroom, or bought a newly built house, you will have a two-piece system installed.

Advantages and Disadvantages

The two pieces, the blow and the tank fit together to create a functional bathroom appliance. The benefit of the two-piece system? For one, they are usually a lot cheaper. Because they come in two pieces, transportation can be a lot easier.

Due to the density of the materials toilet is made from, one-piece can be quite challenging to carry, especially if it’s to an upstairs bathroom. This also means that installation is that little bit easier.

The biggest downside to a two-piece toilet comes down to cleaning. Because of the small gap created between the bowl and the tank (the two individual pieces), dust and grime can quickly become trapped.

This means that you will need to ensure you clean regularly to prevent any unsightly build-up.

One-Piece Toilet

Things To Consider Before Purchasing – One-piece ToiletAs we mentioned, all of our Swiss Madison toilets in our review come in just one piece.

For us, the one-piece toilet is a smart choice, and not only for its stunning contemporary look.

Advantages and Disadvantages

The most significant advantage of the two-piece toilet is that there are no gaps between the bowl and tank – this means that cleaning involves only a quick scrub.

The disadvantages, therefore, are that they can often be more expensive, are heavier and more challenging to transport, and a little trickier to install yourself.

We personally feel that if you do have room in your budget to stretch to a one-piece, it’s well worth the investment and the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.

Water Efficiency

Depending on where you are based, some states have specific requirements when it comes to the maximum flush volume of your toilet. In the US, the Department of Energy restricts the maximum flush amount to 1.6 gallons.

If you’re purchasing your new toilet in the US, it will obviously meet the required standard, but do double check if you are buying something that is coming from overseas.

We always advise if you’re unsure of double-checking with your local supplier who should be able to give you the necessary details.

Dual Flush Technology

Things To Consider Before Purchasing – Dual Flush TechnologyAs the name suggests, dual flush toilets come with two different flush volumes. This is a perfect way to improve your water usage and increase your water efficiency.

We sometimes hear that dual flush toilets aren’t as powerful as single flush equivalents, so keep that in mind when you pick up your new toilet.

Touchless Flushing

If you’re looking for the ultimate hygienic system, you could opt for a touchless flush. We advise using these in workplaces and restaurants, but for the most part, are unnecessary in the home.

To flush the toilet, simply wave your hand across the sensor. It’s also possible to retrofit your system with touchless capability by purchasing an upgrade kit from your local supplier.

Height of the Seat

If you are renovating an existing bathroom, it’s always easier to replace your toilet with a like for like equivalent when it comes to the size. This will make the whole installation process far more comfortable as you can line up the existing drill holes and plumbing.

The most popular seat height is around 15” from floor to seat. Other ‘comfort’ models exist which stand at 19 inches high which mimic the height of a regular seat. This makes standing up and sitting down a little easier and is recommended for those with mobility issues.

Our Top Pick

Our Top PickWhen it comes to the best all-rounder, we can’t get away from the SM-1T256 Carré One Piece Toilet. It’s the perfect combination of water efficiency, ease of clean and comfort and an excellent buy for the price.

In a close second, the SM-1T254 St. Tropez One Piece Toilet is loved by our customers for its ultra-quiet yet powerful flush.

Whichever choice you make, Swiss Madison systems are a solid choice for your bathroom. We also recommend reading the review of best-rated toilets.

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